Everybody is entitled to its own opinion. But just for a moment let us concentrate on the word”opinion”. The Webster Dictionary says: “A judgment or belief that is stronger than an impression but less firm than positive knowledge”.
A few days ago I read, an articles out clip, in Canadians Globe & Mail newspaper, titled “Meet the new Swedes” by Margaret Wente. As a journalist she was on a short visit in Malmo, Sweden. During that visit she went around Malmo’s “slums” with Ismail as guide and most likely the main source for the article. He proudly, as she pointed out, tells her; “we have everything here” showing her the swimming pool, soccer field, hockey rink and music school where any child can get free lessons. These areas, today inhabit by immigrants, mostly Muslims, were once most popular and of course most expensive places to live in. Obviously she was more interested getting info about the welfare of Muslims immigrants, neglecting the facts and opinions from domestic Swedes, concluding that despite differences everybody lives in such a harmony. That made me a bit disturbed and I thought I ought to say something about it.
Before I begin, I have to point out a few things. I’m not a racist, I’m not a politician and I’m not against any religion as long as they function without harming anyone else. Without getting in to politic, which is almost unavoidable, I’ll try, without generalizing, to lay out the facts of life seen by average Swedes.
The flow of Muslim immigrants to west Europe started back in the 60’s mainly from former colonial empires in Africa, Asia and Caribbean. At that time to Sweden came mostly the Balkan and Sothern Europe immigrants so called “guest workers”. In the beginning of 80’s with Iran – Iraq war, former Yugoslavia civil war and then Somalia, started the flow of Muslim immigrants so celled “refugees”. Suddenly Muslim religion, nearly unknown to an average citizen, rapidly grew to a second largest religion in Sweden. Becoming the multicultural country Sweden prides on its tolerance. Nonsense! That’s the words of politicians and some of Media Chanel’s.
The “guest workers” came to this country to work. Being offered the jobs, from various companies, they’ve seen the opportunity to increase the economical status they left their home towns and villages in hope that one day they’ll return home as “Mr. Rich”. There were no special benefits given to them and they were highly respected, as good workers, by Swedish society. Certainly, there was a cultural gap but even that became accepted.
The”Refugees”, mostly Muslims, were and still are welcome to this country but on entirely different basis. Being placed in refugee camps, accommodated and waiting for the asylum status outcome, they’re learning about rights and system functionality of this country so they would gain knowledge and use it in the near future. After getting a “green card”, the priority, somehow, isn’t getting a job, and why should be, they get the social welfare help which gives them incomparable level of living than they had in own country. Some of them are going to school, to learn the language, without putting so much effort but they do get paid for it. Next step is; wait five years, be allegeable and become a Swedish citizen. Now the door is wide open. With every two “refugees” comes along at least four “members” of family to this country. Those more educated Muslims would seek jobs at the government posts within communities and by infiltrating make their work much easier to succeed in changing a lot of rules and laws in this country. The fact is, it’s really happening, erection of new Mosques is a daily seen and in its path follows Muslims free schools. The Mosques or free schools are not teaching them about acclimatization in new land and certainly not about the equality and human rights.
The Swedish public schools are being “forced” to recognize Islam and to do some changes of the common rules; as a Muslim you’d be free and excused from attending the class with Christianity theme, its okay to be dressed so just your eyes could be seen, it’s okay to demand filet mignon instead pork chops and so on. In the grown up's world it’s even worse. Now days, operating a public vehicle such as bus, train or even taxi they are allowed to wear turban!! And can you just imagine, as a debate still goes on in parliament, how the Swedish police officer’s appearance is going to be wearing a turban!! The only thing that government is concerned, right now, is the safety while wearing it. With refugees flow from Africa, again Muslims, the law even allows a man to have two or more wives. In some cases they can get an extra apartment (paid by state) just so the man can relax too!! When is it enough? When churches are being forced to close down? When Swedish language becomes a secondary spoken language? When our grand children begin carrying Koran in a schoolbags? Let me tell you if that time comes it is too damn late. Just wonder; would we get any benefits at all if we moved to their countries? The fact is that some of those benefits, here in Sweden the natives aren’t entitled to. Working and paying taxes to the state, throughout their lives, in hope for better, safer and more pleasant retirement they began wondering what hell they get out of it.
If you call them damn Muslim its discrimination – it's against the law.
If they call you damn Swede it's okay.
If you made love with some of their "female" you are probably a dead man – by her family.
If some of them made your daughter pregnant it’s okay – or as they say it “one more Muslim”.
If you made a joke about Allah, as Danish did publicly, you’ll get all Muslims after you.
But they can.
And despite all of that somebody said “living in a harmony”?!
I read your comment about my blog at address that doesn’t belong to my blog. Therefore it wouldn’t be decent to discuss the matter there.
To begin with I am not a new Swede or at least I don’t consider me as one.
That what I wrote in my blog, was actually mostly the facts and not so much of my own opinion. I guess, working with them and living among them, gives a bigger chance to really see what’s going on. It is not the Muslims that do wrong, its politicians. To give is to take.
I read with great interest your comments on the 'New Swedes' - I think the situation outlined is relevant to our world.
And I agree, the politicians give so much, without borders,consequently old country culture, habits, views, political agendas thrive,with very little interest shown to become one of us, no desire to embrace anything relating to their new country, and home.
Canada opens its arms to immigrants wanting to have a new
life, and that is good - BUT -
I think they need to abide by our laws, accept the dress code of our
various organizations,if they want to work in that enviornment -
Much fuss was made over a new member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who insisted on wearing his Turban,as it was part of his religion. EXCUSE ME -
I know we need to co-exist and that is only possible with respect!!
In my country-respect our laws and act accordingly!!!
Glad to see you read my blog and left a comment. I’m with you a 100%. For a moment I thought that nobody had guts to comment, which wouldn’t surprise me. Once described by their own politician as “kitchen folk” (a lot of talk at home but quiet outdoors) Swedes are pretty damn good at hiding the emotions, openly, just to be able to continue that so called easy going way of living. To bad, in the long run, it doesn’t work that way. The politicians are aware of it and that gives them a green light to do almost anything they please. To them the most important thing is to present Sweden, to the world, with its generosity and “tolerance” without observing what the price the people are paying is. Last summer during my vacation in Belgrade I met my cousin, who lives in Montreal, and after exchanging the views I understood that there isn’t much difference between Canada and Sweden on this issue.
I think it sucks that more of native Swedes don’t dare to open their mouth. I’ve received remarks on my blog via E-mail like why am I so concern about it. Okay, it’s cause I have four kids, born in Sweden and raised up as Swedes and I’m worried about their future.
* kram*
I totally agree that Governments can cover up a multitude of sins with fancy words, and showy actions - thus presenting themselves as a welcoming country, when in fact issues are brewing!!
The qualifications of those in charge need to come under scrutiny - how does someone with 4 Passports gain entry, allowing him benefits X 4??? Yes, it happens all too often - if I weren't so old, I would march in front of Parliment, demanding his/her job!!!
They say ignorance is bliss - and I find the more educated I become in these matters, the angrier I become.
Give me my knitting back, and dust off the rocking chair -!!!
MCA :-)
Nice picture! It's from my neighbourhood. Here we have one mosque and lots of churches. I visit none of them. I prefer the clear sky.
I watched the news yesterday from Wash.DC. Amazing. It was about time. Memories came back from 70.I wondered what would happened if thousands of people went out and express their rage against the refugee politic. Probably started the war in Europe. :-S
Just one?! Take it easy its just a beginning. :-)
I also saw the demonstration in front of the White House - it would seem that many Americans are not in tune with George's recent political agenda.
It is not so easy for refugees to enter the U.S. - they initially come to Canada - it's not too difficult - claim refugee status, produce a passport, one of the many you possess - and you are in.
My political status is now in ruins, but I will stand my gound - based on the following poem:
Say not, "The days are evil.
Who's to blame?"
And fold the hands and acquiesce -
Oh Shame!!
Stand up - speak out -
And bravely, in God's name.
It matters not how deep intrenched
the wrong,
How hard the battle goes,
The day how long:
Faint not - fight on!!
To-morrow comes the song."
by Maltbie Davenport Babcock -
I rest my case ---
:-) MCA
Nice ending with the poem. Few words much said.
Thank you for shearing the views on the issue. :-)
I do not as You live in a neighbourhood with almost no Swedes (except those with problem). You have never visit the rest of Sweden ... still You make Yourself a spokesman for us. If You say "me and my friends" I could have discussed the matter at hand with You. But, when you .... You know what I mean! To talk straight is not to hide behind us ... talk for yourself and I can discuss and respect your opinion. We have been here before in your former blog, haven't we?
When people write on my nose what I think ... I can't respect that.
How would You feel if I would tell 55 miljon bloggers what You "think"???
Analyze that!
You are still missing the point. Du you recognize the difference between opinion and fact?
You’re right, you’re not living in those neighborhoods. It seems to me that you live a very isolated kind of life. Maybe you should read more daily newspapers or check the debates on TV or simply listen to the people at work or on the streets so you can get the picture.
Now, I tried to hold on to the facts and not opinions but to make you satisfied I can tell you in a few words.
I pointed out that I have nothing against any religion as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. I do respect real believers who follow the roles. Muslims religion was always kind of odd to me but I showed respect to it. The religion which demands the drastic changes in once personality is not welcome in to my home. When I look at my daughter I don’t want to see her eyes only, I don’t want to see her isolated from society or treated as lower value article. For god’s sake this is Europe, even my mother fought for equal rights and that was many damn years ago. All that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t talk to them or be a good neighbor to them but...
Now this is an opinion and it’s my. Satisfied? :-)
Since you mentioned my former blog I have to say this. Wasn’t it so that I deleted the blog because you criticized me for being for harsh against Swedes? According to you, despite that it was my opinion, I had no right to expose it. Not being Swede I can’t judge them? You have to learn that sometime the truth can be painful even if it comes from someone like me.
Just one?! Take it easy its just a beginning. :-) "
I am interested in discussing religion and nationality. Religion is private - an ideology you choose. Beeing a swede is speaking a certain language, which you don't choose. Many of the refugees I know, are christians that have escaped from an intolerant and dominating Islam. Why can't we discuss that ideology? To me it is medieval, and has no place in modern society. I doubt there will be any more mosques in Södermalm. Very few young muslims really think relgion gives an excuse for not obeying the rules of society.
And I want to add, that christian fundamentalists, are as huge problems to the society in America, because they have real power.
I certainly hope you’re right about mosques but I doubt it, I’ve seen them multiplying like mushrooms rose. As for young Muslims; no one is searching for excuse, the society roles comes as a secondary issue. I really don’t know if you referred to Catholicism, for that’s the most spread religion in USA? Anyway I wouldn’t call it fundamentalist. It really doesn’t matter which religion is, if it’s based on fundamentalist’s grounds, its NFG. But yes, the Vatican has certain power in USA. :-)
Actually, I said America. The catholic church is the biggest in the continent. It is also most reactionary. If those people come here, will they obey our rules?
And we already have a movement called "creationism". Their opinion is that what you can read in the bible is more true, than what comes from scientific research. To me it is the same, if they build a mosqe or a church in Södermalm. It is the same shit.
You started this blog in December 2006, you had them both ... and did not have time to write in both ... so you told me, and nothing else. At that time you also wrote on a blog att the MSN Space Portal. That makes three on three languages. You closed the others and wanted to write on three languages in one blog, so you told and did! Can't you stop now, please? I can't force anyone to close their blog, if I could I sure would ... but not yours. I have nothing against you ... only the behaviour that you write us Swedes on the nose, over and over again. If we are that stupid ... why do you love Sweden so much that you chose to stay here? OR why don't you be creative and innovative and comes with solutions and positive problem-solving? Be a citizen by saying WE instead of THE SWEDES. Us and them dichotomy is ugly grounds for war and fights.
Good Luck with some optimism for a wonderful multicultural future ... we are not gained or benefited by non-constructive reasoning and blaming all on others. We are not perfect, I am not perfect ... and You are not perfect!
I never thought you could go this far ... I never did guess that about you!
Why did you think I did not use my name? So no one could search on it! You keep on writing it, please don't.
I was referring to one of my blog post which I deleted and I wasn’t forced it was my good will to do so after conversation with you.
I never said Swedes are stupid and I’d never say it. If I didn’t care about Sweden, believe me, I wouldn’t get upset over the things concerning this country. Actually, it’s a shame that it is me writing about it instead some of you guys and that also makes me upset.
You must try to understand, its a little bit rebel in me and I act this way but I’m absolutely not putting down the Swedish people.
Next time when you read my articles please take a deep breath and analyze it for a moment and then right a comment. Hold on to the issue in article, don’t make judgment before reading trough all of it and especially for something I didn’t say or meant. Misunderstanding should be avoided.
That’s all up to you, it’s your opinion and I’ll respect it.
The Muslim religion comes from Asia and Africa. Their culture was, more or less, “designed” by Islam and it’s a hell of a different then we have in Europe or America. So the answer to you question is; Yes they would obey, as you put it; the rules of society.
Dear Grasshopper
I do read through, and re-read and analyze ... but, next time I enter Your blogposts You have changed the content ... so I guess I can never keep up with Your re-thinking and corrections. But, I think it is good ongoing-constructions!
An other thing:
I do believe it is important for those whom need religious guideline to be able to get that support ... and the buildings they do this in are beatiful!
Religion has have and still is a ground for war between people ... why?
Because it is about believe systems. I believe in empiric evidence and logic reasoning. This is believe systems in science, built on nature and philosophy. But, still I do respect the underlying mechanisms behind occult and/or ancient thinking amongst people and groups. They need desperately this ethno-social glue to keep their identity together without splits. If they need buildings to keep their identities ... let them have it!
Some corrections were done its true. I did change the post title (thought it was too harsh) and I did grammar corrections but didn’t change the significance of article.
However I agree religions do cause many wars, but if we get to the bottom of it, it depends mostly on the culture of the country and awakens of the people living there.
I have nothing against the “buildings”, as you said, and they can have it as long they keep it to their selves. I might have more experience on this issue, I’ve seen it happening in Balkan. It all started like here. One ,two, three we are free and now the land is ours. :-)
UTOPIA - "an imagined perfect place or state of things"
Every country on this planet has political agendas that do not make it a Utopia - perfection does not exist.
Many Canadians feel our Immigration Laws are too lenient,and the policies in place,dealing with our laws and culture are being discredited by specific nationalities.
This 'item' was recently published in one of our national newspapers --
"This idea of Canda being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty
and our national identity. As Canadians.....we have our own culture,our own society,our own language and our own lifestyle.
"We Stand on Guard For Thee" is our national motto. We adopted this motto becauase Christian men and women founded this nation. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools.
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home......."
Just so you know that many of our citizens are not happy with the situation,we feel obliged to defend what is ours against those who would have things changed.
And yet, we have a huge country, and welcome any immigrant to our land,if they are looking for a better life. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants.
A sad situation - because there are many who come, embrace this country,and compliment our nation!!
To those, I say 'welcome', and to the others, I say nothing. I shall be politically correct!!!
This is my final contribution!!!
:-) :-) :-)
I, thank you for your time participating in discussions on this issue. I almost began to think that I was the only one thinking that way. I appreciate that. :-)
.... and ...
I did not say;
"Living in Harmony"
I said:
Living in Reciprocity
Have a nice weekend,
Harmony? Not you, Margaret Wente said that
Reciprocity? Still just a dream
Nice weekend to you too :-)
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