February 26, 2007

– & + or + & – ?

It’s incredible how the things can work out both ways.
According to the Interpol about 75% of armed robberies wouldn’t succeed without using the cell phones. At the same time, thanks to the cell phones, death rate during the robberies decreased as much as 50%.
According to Gothenburg’s police, assault and battery, on the streets of Gothenburg decreased with 35% and a probable reason for it of course is the cell phone.
To be unfaithful, in a pub, is not recommended. It’s too easy to get some evidence…by the cell phone.
Now days it really doesn’t matter if we’re inside or outside the house, we’re always reachable. Sometimes it’s okay but sometimes it can be real pain in the ass.
Expressing emotions is a natural act in ones character. It gives your heart and your mind such a pleasant relief. Holding it inwardly makes your heart shiver.