February 6, 2007

How much / little do you know about it?

Last week I wrote an article about Muslims emigrating with no attention at all of integrating. Now I’ll spend some time writing, as info, about Kosovo based on the history and also the facts from the last few decades. I think a lot of people don’t even know where Kosovo is but they certainly did hear much about it via different Medias (take a look above it’s a map). Now if it’s not too much to ask would you please read wikipedia – English or wikipedia – Swedish just so you’ll understand better. Now when that’s done I can start with some facts after the World War II.
The population in Kosovo, still most of it Serbs (Christian Orthodox), was about 0, 8 million. The Kosovo – Albanians (Muslims) knew about Tito’s plan of cutting Serbian (known as rebellions) in peaces, just to secure his own power as a leader in Yugoslavia. They felt it was time to do the plans on their own. The Muslims are very patient, they don’t expect to make any changes over one night just slowly but surely. Urged, by Tito, the average family hade ten children and if they could,”by any chance”, have thirteen they would receive a special economical bonus.
The time went by, some Serbs left Kosovo in search for better life standard. Already in sixties the Albanians, who were completely isolated from the world, began coming to Kosovo (illegally) finding a shelter and security with Muslim relatives. More and more Serbs were forced, in one or the other way, to sell or simply leave their homes in order to survive. The percentage of population started to change in favor to Muslims. After Tito’s death many things came to surface; law and order did not existed in a proper way in Kosovo, especially as a Serb who were considered, at that time, as a second or even third class citizens. Despite all the benefits they have gotten from Tito; practicing the Albanian’s language, having own schools, universities, radio & TV stations and etc. and all that and I repeat all that, and still there was always something more they wanted. To be honest I don’t know any country in the world that went so far in giving so much to its minorities.
The organized crime reached its peak in the 80’s. Kosovo-Albanians are known as the #1 in Europe and #2 in the world as drug smugglers. Then comes also weapon smuggling and as latest invention the young women slavery, smuggled and sold all around the world and all that was and is known by USA and EU. To make it even worse at the end of 80’s, the professors at university of Pristina and even in some hi-schools, who were illegally “imported” from Albanien, lectured the pupils against Christianity and against the government of Yugoslavia and its constitution.
That was the last drop. It was needed to be said; stop it’s enough. Unfortunately it was too late. In late 90’s forming its own military force (UCK), which Clinton’s administration proclaimed as “rebels army” or “fighters for freedom”, it reached the climax to the problem.
Commercially unprepared and also having an idiot as a president Serbian lost the “war” being bombed by 19 countries in 72 days. The irony of that “war” was that most bombs (unconventional) were dropped on Kosovo soil which rapidly escalates the rates of death caused by leukemia and cancer among Kosovo-Albanians population. Who was getting a help there? Maybe therefore USA is supporting Kosovo, in campaign for independence, as some kind of a pay off?!
I got a few questions just to get my mind at ease;
**What would happen if all Columbians, from USA, move to Florida or all Arabs, from Sweden, move to Skåne and wanted to pronounce as its own independent country??
**Or simply, what would happen if Texas wanted out?
** What would USA do if Mexicans build the own Army in Texas and began fighting Americans in order to get own country? “Freedom fighters?
**Is it necessary building a Islam land in the middle of the Europe?
**Just look at Israel, surrounded by Islamic countries, what do we have there? problem??
Reservations for grammar and spelling mistakes!! :-)

1 comment:

Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Well written, and well documented -What a mess we are in over there - I have to admit I know very little about the political agenda going on at this moment in Kosovo - it seems there is trouble brewing everywhere, and we are the viewers,where we sit back and observe, horrified,yet unable to put a stop to the unmitigated injustices going on around us.
I shall make it a point to read up on this situation, altho I fear my hostilities may once again rear its ugly head, causing me grave concern.
They say 'ignorance is bliss' and while it makes things more pleasant, and easier to accept, it does not benefit society,and policies will never change without knowledge. Thanks for the commentary.

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