Maybe I should quit watching the NEWS or even quit reading the daily newspaper. It’s all just a bunch of a crap and double moral which somehow makes me at ease (am I getting use to it?!). It really doesn’t matter whose paper I’m reading, USA or EU, the fact is that they all write just about the same way with some corrections (to please the readers in their own country?!)
The main issues these days are Iraq and Afghanistan war and Kosovo independents.
But first I’d like to remind you about a few things from the past.
Many years ago, we in the west, could read about the “east block” journalistic, about censoring the articles just to provoke and “brainwash” the people against the west. But didn’t we do the same?
In the ‘50s was like; just to know someone that was a commie you would be legible to serve some time in prison or as Robert Oppenheimer in house arrest. Thank you Media!
In the ‘60s; just about 90% of Americans hated Russians without even knowing where the fuck Russia was. Vietnam War began and US solders were proclaimed as heroes and everybody should've been proud for its contribution in the war. Thank you Media!
In the‘70s; End of Vietnam War and US solders became disgraced by society. To heel the wounds all they needed to do was; scramble up some crap about some governments in South America and show that they were N.F.G. and get a green light to be involved. Thank you media!
In the ‘80s; Iraq & Iran War was the perfect timing for seedling the hate ridge against the Arab world. The fall of East block and Russians became, despite everything, acceptable as human being. Thank you Media!
In the ‘90s; well, it’s a time for Europe’s note. While EU worked on uniting all the Europe countries together, but at the same time, with help of USA, the West was doing everything to disunite a Balkan country with its six del states. Right or wrong? Who cares? Thank you Media!
In the ‘00s; the Afghanistan and Iraq War was accepted by people in west which showed the peak of success done by the Media. Thank you Media!
Okay now I can return to present issues. Despite, that Media’s freedom of speech is shielded by constitution just about in every country in the west, actuality tells me the contradictory. By molding the facts, the news paper editorials present the stories the way it fits their own government.
We’ll take the Afghanistan first; they don’t write more about it than just as a post war situation, despite crises that still exists, so that average citizen of EU would identify it with peace. Unfortunately no one can hide everything so when something drasticly happens they are forced to write about it, but then it’s always somebody else’s responsibility. In this case of course US and Canadian soldiers.
Iraq War made Americans to bear a burden of guilt. One day the editorials are presenting a lot of shit about USA and the very next day could be “kissing asses” day. Why can’t they stand up for their point of view and hold on to it?
For example here in Sweden, the “Aftonbladet.se” prearranged the chat with Sergeant Rick Selvester (25) stationed in Iraq. Common, seriously should we feel sorry for him? For Christ sake he is the soldier of US Army, that’s his job being in Iraq and he won’t and he can’t tell us what ever we really want him to. That’s the Army’s policy.
And then probably, tomorrow, the same “Aftonbladet” is gonna write some new shit about America showing the pictures of Iraqis dead or wounded and then on the same page show the US soldiers suffering and having the hell. That really makes one confused.
Kosovo problem escalates each day. The Media all over the EU writes again as narrow minded “one way track”. Again it’s Americans failure or British for that matter and still never anybody else’s. I read once, the article, in “Aftonbladet” about the other side of the story regarding Kosovo, written by Johan Galtung, Jan Öberg and Håkan Wiberg (peace and conflict researchers). But as I said, just once.
Apparently the Media is taking us for a ride thinking that we’re just a bunch of dumb - bums. Why can’t they admit that US wouldn’t and couldn’t get involved without help from the west world? Everybody is in it for a profit regardless.
The arms are not US made only, the food that soldiers eats is not the US made only, the communication systems are not the US made only, the airports that provides the help transport are not the US property only and etc.
So my dear Media, why don’t you cut the crap and come out with truth. The stories as they really are…or…you don’t dare?
The main issues these days are Iraq and Afghanistan war and Kosovo independents.
But first I’d like to remind you about a few things from the past.
Many years ago, we in the west, could read about the “east block” journalistic, about censoring the articles just to provoke and “brainwash” the people against the west. But didn’t we do the same?
In the ‘50s was like; just to know someone that was a commie you would be legible to serve some time in prison or as Robert Oppenheimer in house arrest. Thank you Media!
In the ‘60s; just about 90% of Americans hated Russians without even knowing where the fuck Russia was. Vietnam War began and US solders were proclaimed as heroes and everybody should've been proud for its contribution in the war. Thank you Media!
In the‘70s; End of Vietnam War and US solders became disgraced by society. To heel the wounds all they needed to do was; scramble up some crap about some governments in South America and show that they were N.F.G. and get a green light to be involved. Thank you media!
In the ‘80s; Iraq & Iran War was the perfect timing for seedling the hate ridge against the Arab world. The fall of East block and Russians became, despite everything, acceptable as human being. Thank you Media!
In the ‘90s; well, it’s a time for Europe’s note. While EU worked on uniting all the Europe countries together, but at the same time, with help of USA, the West was doing everything to disunite a Balkan country with its six del states. Right or wrong? Who cares? Thank you Media!
In the ‘00s; the Afghanistan and Iraq War was accepted by people in west which showed the peak of success done by the Media. Thank you Media!
Okay now I can return to present issues. Despite, that Media’s freedom of speech is shielded by constitution just about in every country in the west, actuality tells me the contradictory. By molding the facts, the news paper editorials present the stories the way it fits their own government.
We’ll take the Afghanistan first; they don’t write more about it than just as a post war situation, despite crises that still exists, so that average citizen of EU would identify it with peace. Unfortunately no one can hide everything so when something drasticly happens they are forced to write about it, but then it’s always somebody else’s responsibility. In this case of course US and Canadian soldiers.
Iraq War made Americans to bear a burden of guilt. One day the editorials are presenting a lot of shit about USA and the very next day could be “kissing asses” day. Why can’t they stand up for their point of view and hold on to it?
For example here in Sweden, the “Aftonbladet.se” prearranged the chat with Sergeant Rick Selvester (25) stationed in Iraq. Common, seriously should we feel sorry for him? For Christ sake he is the soldier of US Army, that’s his job being in Iraq and he won’t and he can’t tell us what ever we really want him to. That’s the Army’s policy.
And then probably, tomorrow, the same “Aftonbladet” is gonna write some new shit about America showing the pictures of Iraqis dead or wounded and then on the same page show the US soldiers suffering and having the hell. That really makes one confused.
Kosovo problem escalates each day. The Media all over the EU writes again as narrow minded “one way track”. Again it’s Americans failure or British for that matter and still never anybody else’s. I read once, the article, in “Aftonbladet” about the other side of the story regarding Kosovo, written by Johan Galtung, Jan Öberg and Håkan Wiberg (peace and conflict researchers). But as I said, just once.
Apparently the Media is taking us for a ride thinking that we’re just a bunch of dumb - bums. Why can’t they admit that US wouldn’t and couldn’t get involved without help from the west world? Everybody is in it for a profit regardless.
The arms are not US made only, the food that soldiers eats is not the US made only, the communication systems are not the US made only, the airports that provides the help transport are not the US property only and etc.
So my dear Media, why don’t you cut the crap and come out with truth. The stories as they really are…or…you don’t dare?
1 comment:
What do you know of the "BILDERBERG" group, and how do you feel about their mandate?Now there's something to worry about!!mca
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