March 26, 2007

Stuart's Mondays

Stuart little at work

Don’t underrate the blondes!

A blonde went to a bank located in downtown in Stockholm. She needed to borrow 5000:- kr. and as collateral she would leave her brand new Ferrari worth 2 millions crowns. The personnel at the bank laughed at her, paid out the money she required and parked her car in the bank’s storage space.
Two weeks later the blonde returned and required to pay back the loan with interest which all together came up to 5031,50 crowns. The bank’s personnel laughed at her again, gave her the car keys and then just to tease her they asked: “Sweetie, why did you leave such a expensive car against such a small loan”
Blonde replied: “Boys… I was on vacation. Where can you find, in downtown, a cheaper and safer place to park a car for two weeks for pitiable 30,50 crowns?”

1 comment:

FANCY said...

Hey G...
Blondes knows what fun is... ;-)))

Thanks for your comment...I like it...even if we have missunderstand each other... :)

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