April 24, 2007

A what??

Remember the times when we guys, especially when accompanied with our wives, spotted some nice looking chick, we turned our heads around for about 180 degrees checking out every inch of her body?
The wives, being irritated but still keeping the cool image, telling us;” watch it your eyeballs might pop out”.
Look at this guy (pic) he is showing us that eyeballs can’t pop out or…
What the hell is he doing?!


Jerrster said...

it hurts just looking at it

ANNA-LYS said...

Ash ... S/He is just playing around with h/er(is) new graphic software program :-)

Hmmm ... I think it is You *lol*

Crystal said...

oh my gosh that is the freakiest thing I have ever seen!

grasshopper said...

Graphic software program or not it’s painful!!

Expressing emotions is a natural act in ones character. It gives your heart and your mind such a pleasant relief. Holding it inwardly makes your heart shiver.