September 6, 2007


The summer is over, the days are shorter and finally we can get a long night sleep. It might sound strange to some people outside Scandinavian but here, during the summer, days almost never ends. Can you imagine; your body knows it’s a bed time but you mind refuses the idea and keeps torturing every single muscle in your body until your brain cells, at the end, say stop.
You take a nap for couple of hours and then continue with the same tempo through out the summer. How long can it last that way? Sure it’s fun, but sooner or later comes a pay off time. Personally I’m glad the winter is getting closer with its long, long nights so I can just sleep, sleep and sleep.
Am I getting old?!?


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine having light 24 hours a day. I'd have to have dark shades on my bedroom window. I am part Swedish, but was raised in the US. It's hard to imagine living in Sweden.

grasshopper said...

Luckily, where I live it’s not 24 hours day light but it feels like it. Some people say you’ll get use to it but despite many years that I lived here I really doubt it. Day light I’m up, moon light I’m down :-)

Jerrster said...

Grasshopper....I'm ready to put Summer behind me....quickly...if only it would rain...make me run for cover.

grasshopper said...

Ha, ha, that was good. Next summer I might come to Cal. with lots of rain. It can't be bad summer two years in a row :-)

Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Bonjour Grasshopper ---
I should move to Sweden, I hate sleeping - such a waste of time - too many things to do!!!!
My coffee consumption aids me in this endeavour!!

Expressing emotions is a natural act in ones character. It gives your heart and your mind such a pleasant relief. Holding it inwardly makes your heart shiver.