Sometimes I wish I was a high posted politician or a top journalist... just for a while… just to see if I could do some good to this, as it is right now, messed-up world. I’m so fed up with short terms Media’s news urging everybody to engage their selves in current topic which usually is followed by total ignorance and nonchalance. Let me put it this way; to put a stop to a problem or find any kind of compromise, it’s not enough having three or four days news headline about it, it’s a lot more than that. Take it for instance the Burma situation; what the hell happened there? For a few days we’ve been reading about Burma and its people suffering, we (bloggers) wrote about it, showing our support and then, what happened? It took about two weeks and Burma is kinda forgotten. It looks like Media forgot what they started, politicians preoccupied with some other short terms issues “not having a time” to engage their selves anymore and we, the ordinary people, don’t have a slightest idea what’s a going on out there right now.
Just for a moment, think…How do people of Burma feel right now…abandoned?!
I know I would
Just for a moment, think…How do people of Burma feel right now…abandoned?!
I know I would
ain't that the truth. this seems to be the prevailing methodology anymore. many of us in a more privilaged situation seem desperate to manufacture meaning in our lives and so adopt short-term 'causes'. but our attention span is so short, we quickly become bored and seek out another. be that Burma, tsunami victims, Katrina survivors or Paris Hilton.
Yeah,even Paris ha,ha
i don't listen to the news anymore, so i have no idea what is going on. it gets too overwhelming for me, so every day i just attend to what is right before me, my little world, and do all i can spread happiness in that little realm.
Hmmm...No I don't think that anyone have forget the Burma people and what is going on there. The most scary I think is that it is so silent in the media...it is like everyone wait for some big bang. Maybe we have to start a revolution in the blog atmosphere for the Burma people and kick some asses...:-)))
I hope people are not getting jaded by all the terrible events that occur. It does seem never ending .. there are so many needing help... one hopefully does what one can...
I don't know wish kind of media You do not follow up. Because ... the many "voices" did have an impact on the dictators, together with the rest of the media world. Democracy (We) did together free a lot of prisoned monks!!!!
But if your methods are better (passivity) like sitting monks ... keep doing it. As long as YOU believe that YOU might make a difference!!! But, put a sign in Your hand so we know why You are doing nothing!
You are so right...there are many voices out there but I was refering to politicians and journalists and not bloggers.
Du you know what's going on, right now, in Burma?
With out info ther isn't much we can do, except writing about something, actually, not knowing the present situation.
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