November 10, 2007

Mental Polution

Mental Polution ilustration
Slavimir Stojanovic - Futuro
So many times we read over and over about the things that should be done so we can prolong the life of planet Earth. Most of us, the “ordinary people”, got a good picture of what went wrong and what is happening and we’re trying to do our best to help the situation. But somehow that’s not enough. Despite the guilt we’ve been fed with, contaminating the environment isn’t nearly our doing as it is the politicians or the “big guys” who drive the industries with inadequate methods. As we all see it they don’t give a damn, all that goes through their overflowing shit minds is how to make more and more money, living for the present and giving no thoughts, what so ever, about the future of the mankind. How can we persuade them to change their minds nobody knows but soon enough it might become consequential:

Simple math: “I’m trying my best, sacrificing a lot for the better but they’re doing just the opposite and since they’re more powerful (money wise or by position), eventually, in my mind pops a question WHAT IS THE POINT?”


ANNA-LYS said...

There is actually a huge point at least from my view. "Ordinary" people are many many more to the numbers than the few rich one's or politicians. The day will come when we learn this very difficult mathematical "rule" - and start to think and act according to this :-D

Anonymous said...



grasshopper said...

Glad to see your motivation and sure hope so that there are a lot of people thinking the same way. What scares me the most is human behavior; “searching for the easy way out”. Unfortunately, there is no easy way solving this particular problem and somewhere along the line there is the limit. It might sound pessimistic but most of the humans on the planet earth are just not cut to be a fighter.

Nice to see you too:-)

ANNA-LYS said...

Survival as always been, and will always be a question of learning and fighting for survival! Am I right or am I right? *lol*
The REAL problem is as You say ... too many people wait for others to "fix" their survival, unfortunately they have learned since childhood "to sit and wait" ... or they never read "Waiting for Godot" ... or just can't reflect in their every-day living ... and by that by themselves imagine the consequences of their actions or as You put it "behaviours" ;-)

Is it cold in Gothenburg today/night?

FANCY said...

I think they are sleeping and just squint with one eye...and keep on sleeping. wake up a little and pick out some fluff from their bellybutton...putting them self together and musing for the big wake up...:-)We are the "ordinary people"

Like the indianchief said:

"When you plan for the future and built out a new community,
should you think, not only fore two genarations,
howe the new will look like.
You have to think for seven generation."

True is it not?

Jerrster said...

we need to all do our part...but how great would it be if we did it altogether and at once...they'd have to listen to us. What are they against all of us?

love that music btw...

ANNA-LYS said...

Your post at MuseArt is fantastic and evokes much musings! Thanks!

grasshopper said...

Hopefully they won’t be sleeping too long.
Indian chief had right at the time he said that but do we have time for seven generations? :-)

“Altogether and at once” sounds great just need to find the way
I knew somewhere within you is a classical Jerry :-)

Thank you ;-)

ANNA-LYS said...

Amazing art illustration!
And today I can hear music as well, great composition with Your post here :-)

Expressing emotions is a natural act in ones character. It gives your heart and your mind such a pleasant relief. Holding it inwardly makes your heart shiver.