May 5, 2008


Well, it’s been a while but as you can see I didn’t get lost in the cyber world and I’m certainly not dead (thank god). The thing is that a lot of things around me kept me occupied so I just didn’t have a time and of course at the time like that lust to blogg fades out too.
Ok, what have I done in the past couple of months?

To start with, after so many years of great friendship with it I finally came to decision; “good bye scotch”, it shatters my heart but sometimes life sucks. I guess I’ll just hold on to beer & wine. It can’t be so bad?

Now, little more pleasant happening; few weeks ago my daughter “actually” got married to a nice fellow, “I hope so”. Preparations for wedding, both practical and psychological, took a lot of time and energy but I survived even dough, at the ceremony, the scotch kept looking at me with its sad yellow eyes.

Than, it came a time I had to get involved with my youngest one. He‘s been taking TAEKWON – DO lessons and it was a time for his first competition appearance. And of course I, as an old marshal art enthusiast, tried to help him to reach “that“final touch of perfectionism. A bronze… Not bad at all.

And now what’s left to do? Yeah, scrubbing a shit, that piled up during the winter, from my boat and than…sail and enjoy.

Btw boat still has no name. What do you think?
“Old Lady” (build 1966) or “Tinker Bell” (size 24ft.)


JeromeProphet said...

"Scotch Hopper"

ANNA-LYS said...

I am very happy for You, that You can stand away from does ugly yellow eyes!

And I guess Your children are even more happy, having a dad that is more present in the moment, than before!

When it comes to the name of the sail-boat, I don't like those names, IF a 66:a is an old lady, what does that make You? :-D

My suggestion:



FANCY said... can only congratulate you for all the good things who have happened in your life, that is so huge...:)

Jerrster said...

wow no wonder you've been off the Radar...sir, you've been BUSY.
boat name? must incubate that one.

not Old Lady. (somebody will sink it)

grasshopper said...

Ha,ha “Scotch Hopper”...actually it’s not so bad,...something to think about

Hold your horses now Anna-Lys, more present?

fleur–de–Lys? It would be nice to know what it means

Thank you

You’re right, who want to be reminded of the old lady.

ANNA-LYS said...

Fleur-de-Lys explained ;-)

ANNA-LYS said...

Thank You for visiting 2day :-D

Jerrster said...

what did you name the boat?

ANNA-LYS said...

Heard You sold the boat, to buy a bigger one ... leaving for US?


Expressing emotions is a natural act in ones character. It gives your heart and your mind such a pleasant relief. Holding it inwardly makes your heart shiver.