January 31, 2007


Reading some comments in my previous blog post I felt the urge to write and try to clarify my self on the issue; being an immigrant and not the citizen in the new country. This is entirely my way of thinking so called “opinion”.

I was born in Belgrade and lived a life as a happy child. I played with friends and argued with “enemies” like any other child around the world. I was taken care of my parents. I didn’t need to think about politic, war, religion or anything that I wouldn’t understand. My upbringing was more focused on a family bond and exploring the environment around me.
As a teenager I moved to Washington D.C. Wow the new country! After finishing hi school, and my parents moving back to Belgrade, I decided to stay on in USA. My life was changing. I was not a child anymore I was a grown up “dude”. I said to my self; “glide in to society and you’ll be okay”. And that’s what I did. I’ve got me a fairly good job, nice apartment and a lot of friends. Life went on smoothly and I was happy. After several years, I’ve been offered the citizens ship which I refused. I did love the country, would I love it more if I was a citizen?
I didn’t think so. I was involved in just about everything an average American was and I was proud of that. In my heart I recognized me as American.

The time flashed by and building a family of my own I ended up in Sweden. Don’t ask why it’s a long story and I wouldn’t know the right answer anyway. The thing about the citizen ship did come along again and I repeatedly refused. After so many years in Sweden, loving it, working in it and paying taxis, it does, by all means, give me a right to act and react as a Swede.

You see, the point is; No matter how many citizen ships you possess you’ll still be the truly citizen of the country you were born and lived there as a child. All other once makes you just a “paper citizen”. Even in your new passport says which country you’re originated from. Yes by the law you are “the citizen”, by society…it’s another question.

I can respect those who desire to become a “new citizens” that’s their own choice. But I never could or ever will respect those who became citizens just for gaining economical or some other purpose of it. And, believe me there are a lot more of those kind “new citizens”.

The confusion that goes through my head is not the citizen ship; I know it, I was born there, but what do I feel as I really can’t answer that, all tree countries are dear to me.

You don’t need to be a citizen to love the country, it’s like, you don’t need to be married to love your partner.


ANNA-LYS said...

I agree upon the "Love Thing". But, in "rEALITY" doesn't some immigrants have to become citizens ... just to survive?

Before when I have used the word "citizen" I did not think about membership at all! I meant the involvement in the community of the country. "lOST iN rEALITY" noway, but, maybe I have been "LOST IN TRANSLATION" :-)

grasshopper said...

I disagree with that. The only reason might be is to get a passport so they can have a vacation in their own countries which would be very risky if they were real refugies. Would you disown your child just to survive? I’m sorry but I can’t buy that just as I can’t understand having a double citizen ship. What is the point of it?
Yes I can be involved in some way in community but as not being a citizen, my word or opinion about the country or its people isn’t worth much. And that’s not me saying it.
The title “lost in reality” has nothing to do with you. I was referring to confusion in which I live or lived in. :-)

ANNA-LYS said...

You disagree upon my agree?!?

Do you mean that all refugee people all over the world are criminals?

or ....

Are all people that have immigrant to Sweden criminals (except you of course)?

or ....

Are You trying to get us Swedes to look upon refugees as something evil?

or ...

Just pulling our legs ... to create a dialogue? :-D

grasshopper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grasshopper said...

As I told you once before, take a deep breath and than make a statement. If you read all of it in my blog post and the comment. You could’ve seen that I never even mentioned the word CRIMINAL. What I disagreed was your statement about being forced to, so they could survive. And I said that none of immigrants are FORCED to take a citizens ship. I’m not trying to pull anybodies leg or make the Swedes look like evil. You are, far way out from the subject. Sorry :-(

Unknown said...

Låt dig inte bringas ur balans! Gränser och medborgarskap är djävulens påfund.
Åtminstone i cyberrymden borde vi alla vara cosmopoliter.
Med detta vill jag ha sagt, att det är lätt att bli blockerad, när man försöker definiera sig själv som något, till skillnad från något annat.

ANNA-LYS said...

I have done a couple of comments the way you write ... now I think you get it!

This way to write posts and comments only force the reader into defense ... it can never lead to discussion and knowledge. Dialogues has but one purpose = to learn from each other for understanding. This goes on Internet, as well as in real life. between adults, between children and between adults and children. All other kind of communication is not to define as dialogues.

In this blogpost I tried an other variant ( I almost never give up on creating dialogues between people):

1. I start by relating to you "the author" by an agreement followed by an relevant question.

2. I follow up by telling my shortcomings with a glimpse in my eye (meaning in dialogues ... that the receiver shall follow up with his/her shortcomings)

3. This kind of opening a dialogue is a way you try before you give up, some would look upon it as "crawling on the floor" but, as You know ... me ... I am a patient lady.

and know to mine and Yours second comments ....

My questions are build upon the amalgamating of your blogpostS and comments ...

* You tell me to take deep breath =
use your brain A-L! (once again)
This way to say that everyone that not agree on everything you say don't use their brains.

1. Where did I get the word Criminal?

Copy from your comment:
The only reason might be is to get a passport so they can have a vacation in their own countries which would be very risky if they were real refugies. Would you disown your child just to survive?

That is criminal behaviour according to Swedish Law!

2. next copy from your comment upon my questions:

And I said that none of immigrants are FORCED to take a citizens ship.

This is your answer upon my serious question:

But, in "rEALITY" doesn't some immigrants have to become citizens ... just to survive?

I still disagree with you upon this one. In think that it is easier to get food on the table and security if you have citizenship. And I do respect your opinion. Just wish you could have respected mine ... without keep on telling that I should use my brain.

I can only understand your non-dialogue as .... you prefer a non-discussion, with me at least :-)
Those writing here thinking like you upon strangers have you told "Thank You" (we have been here before) is the engagement from persons with other opinion not as huge, worth or wanted?

Before you told me you wanted discussion ?!? Grassopper "Just pulling our legs ... to create a dialogue? :-D" that was meant as showing you that there was only good intension behind my interest. To make you at ease.
And showing you once again that dialogue/discussion was the purpose for You and I.

Now ... in respect ... I rest my case, and will not bother You again ... I have learned that dialogue was not your mission. Thanks for allowing me to take some space here, and hope your cyber-time will be joyful and rich on those precious moments of learning and develop by dialogues with others, in the future.

(( hug ))

grasshopper said...

Take a deep breath = calm down, ta det lugnt, . ABSOLUTELY NOT, use your BRAIN

The only reason might be is to get a passport so they can have a vacation in their own countries which would be very risky if they were real refugees. Would you disown your child just to survive?
That is criminal behaviour according to Swedish Law!

If, becoming a citizen, as mentioned above is criminal act than the law is not functioning as it should.

REFUGEE = person in exile. Status given to persons who can’t, return to its own country because they might loose their lives or become prisoners. Returning to its own country even as a Swedish citizen, the Sweden can’t help them there.

FORCED or HAVE TO, in this case are just about the same meaning.
According to constitution and the laws, not being a citizen of the country, the only thing you are loosing is right to vote. So that with the food on the table…

DIALOGUE – exchange of ideas or views on a specific issue to attain MUTUAL understanding, and in this case without ACCUSATIONS

What ever the writer (blogger) puts down on the paper (blogpost) is open for discussion which leads, hopefully, to a dialogue, providing that everyone, involved, holds on to articles significant. We can’t change anyone’s opinion without giving the facts. Therefore it’s important to be prepared about the issue before getting involved in discussion. That’s of course if discussion was meant to be on serious level.


ANNA-LYS said...

Yes I was serious.
Yes, the facts (but, every human being has their own interpretation of facts) a dialogue is suppose to lead to mutual understanding, but not shared opinion! Mutual means that I respect your opinion and You respect mine. Mutual agreement is what for example the government do ... they try to negotiate and come to conclusion about what they can agree upon, and what they can't.

I never understood that your purpose was to get mutuality in the the non-form of reciprocity. The best discussion or dialogue ... is when the two (or more) leave the "meeting" with new knowledge ... and knowledge is never to absorb the others thinking, but to understand it and respect it.

Have Nice Weekend Dear GrassHopper!

ANNA-LYS said...

You say:

We can’t change anyone’s opinion without giving the facts. Therefore it’s important to be prepared about the issue before getting involved in discussion. That’s of course if discussion was meant to be on serious level.

I would not even as a scientist approach anyone as if they where unprepared even within my own field of research. This is a huge defamation of my person!

If someone involves in a discussion with you in the future please do not do that towards that person (remember if everyone knew everything, there is no purpose to discuss,talk or even engage in something, because there is nothing to learn or development through).

grasshopper said...

First comment:
The ball is round thing and that’s a fact. No one can interpret it in any other way. The fact is fact.

Mutual - has nothing to do with “the respect”. It’s to give and take. Most of the times to come to an agreement you have to give some in order to get some, based on nothing but interests.

I came up with my opinion, based on the facts, and you came in telling me that I’m wrong without giving me any facts or at least explanations, common A/L you can do better than that.

Second comment:
I’ll try to explain it the simple way; is there a point for me getting involved in conversation about the baseball if I didn’t have a slightest idea how it’s played? Of course not. But if I still want to participate I would have to do some reading. That’s what I meant and not offending as you interpreted.

You absolutely right; if we knew everything there is no point to discuss about it. But being accused or criticized and then left out without any explanations or the facts we wouldn’t learn anything, would we?

With some of your statements you really surprise me. Trying to achieve something with it, you’re getting lost in there.

Expressing emotions is a natural act in ones character. It gives your heart and your mind such a pleasant relief. Holding it inwardly makes your heart shiver.